Ida Cavewoman

Nordic Folk Magic & Shamanic Practitioner

Who is Ida?

Working as a Licensed Massage Therapist for the past 20 years has given me much insight into the complexities of the human body as well as what they need, crave, and desire. They NEED to move, they CRAVE to play, and they DESIRE to heal. Through my experience as a student of yoga and Middle Eastern dance, I also understand the importance of expansive movement in releasing emotions and past traumas. We can spend years in talk therapy, repeatedly coming back to the same root of our pain, often because we haven’t given those stories an outlet to be physically purged. Expansive movements also help establish our mind-body connection and deepen our sense of Self. A big piece of my work is to facilitate that for others. To create a safe space for your body to unwind and express in new and unexpected ways. Freeing yourself to be wild again.

In addition to my massage, dance, and yoga practice, I’ve been a life long seeker of rooted, authentic spirituality. I’ve been down many paths and dabbled in various spiritual foundations from around the world, like many of us do, seeking tangible roots and a sense of belonging. I've learned a great deal from this dabbling and I wouldn’t be the person that I am today without it, but I discovered a different flavor when I started to explore teachings from my own lineage. It was here that I found something deeper, something familiar, something that finally felt authentic. Learning from true practitioners of the Scandinavian Folk Medicine and Magic Tradition known as Trolldom, has been monumental in readying me for this healing path. All of these roads have guided me North, to my own Northern European/Scandinavian heritage and the well of wisdom and practices that are still very much alive today.

My fascination and magnetism to Nordic Folk Traditions began about a decade ago and the more I lean in, the more powerful the connection becomes, and the stronger I feel my ancestors. I proudly walk this path as a Norse Pagan. Within the Trolldom tradition I am called a Trollkvinna (Magical Women in Swedish) but in English, I'm simply called a Witch. I believe that we all have access to ancient knowledge and healing practices when we're open and willing to listen. Even if we weren’t raised in an intact culture, or had the chance to learn directly from our elders, I believe that this wisdom resides within our bone memory. Another big piece of my work is helping my clients unearth this knowledge, to remember how to relate and commune with Nature the way their ancestors would have. Once we remember our connection to Nature and to our Natural Selves, we are truly home.

It feels important to state that when I speak of Norse Paganism, that in no way do I view these beliefs and practices as superior to anyone else’s. This is the clear path that I work from because it feels the most real for me. All of my clients come from different lineages, cultures, and/or spiritual and religious backgrounds. As a person of European descent I acknowledge the atrocities caused across the globe by European Colonialism and I'm invested in being an active ally in stopping the cycle of oppression and ethnocide against Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. I am here to respect all humans and their multifaceted ways of showing up in today’s modern world, where very few of us identify as just one thing. However, if you carry Northern European ancestry, I’m here to encourage you to not overlook the folk medicine and traditions that your very own ancestors practiced, as they are potent and eager to be reclaimed.

I’m continuously studying Trolldom & Nordic Spirituality with author, teacher and Trolldom Professional, Johannes Gårdbäck of Sweden. He teaches the foundational techniques, ideas, and models of Nordic Magic and Spirituality and then connects it to the land and culture of Scandinavia, past and present.  My studies with Johannes are taking me through a deep dive into the wealth of healing knowledge and traditions that my ancestors carried. In July of 2023 I traveled to Sweden to train in person with Johannes and practice with some of my peers. Being immersed in Scandinavian culture and seeing, feeling, and breathing in it's dreamy landscape, has forever changed me and I can’t wait to go back. If you’re interested in Johannes’s work please visit here. This man is a highly skilled authentic practitioner as well as a walking, talking Nordic encyclopedia!

There are two other influential teachers and mentors that I'd like to acknowledge that have supported me greatly on this healing path. The first is Amel Tafsout, a first source Algerian born, Master Dance Instructor and Wisdom Keeper of North African Tradition and Maghreb Culture. Amel’s teachings are deeply rooted in Sufism, the mystical side of Islam. Through Amel’s tutelage, trance was activated for me and I’ve found that I have an innate ability to enter trance and can facilitate trance for others. I cannot recommend Amel enough for those looking to deepen their connection with Spirit whether it be through her dance classes, lectures, or tarot readings. She’s an all around inspiration in what it means to walk through this world as the Divine Feminine and to never stop playing. If interested in her offerings, you can find her here.

The last teacher I'd like to mention is Frank Coppetiers, PH.D, a native of Belgium and the director of the Living Light Spiritual Center. Frank works as an intuitive counselor, Shaman and Reiki practitioner. He trained extensively in the Hungarian Bacsa Tradition of Shamanism under the renowned visionary painter and Shaman, Joska Soos. Along with receiving my Level II Reiki attunement from Frank, I also regularly saw him for Shamanic Healing Sessions until he moved back to Belgium in 2022. Frank has helped me trust my natural ability as a sound healer and to honor the wildness that comes through me when I enter trance. He expresses healthy masculinity in a gentle nurturing way while exuding great strength and ferocity through his drumming and vocalizing. If you’d like to know more about Frank's work, you can find him here.

All of the above and so much more is what has guided me here to work professionally as a Nordic Folk Magic & Shamanic Practitioner. For many years I've resisted putting my offerings out to the world because I was waiting for some sort of certificate or degree. With time and wisdom I’ve come to peace that there isn’t a school for what I do or an elder to tell me that I’ve been chosen to carry this medicine. I trust that my 20+ years of study and discipline, as well as my willingness to put into action the teachings of my ancestors, is enough. I live and breathe this path, every single day. I am here to help modern Homo Sapiens reconnect with their Natural Selves through sacred rituals, journeys, and embodied self-care practices. If you're ready to surrender to the unknown and want to call back a sense of mystery, play, and wildness into your life, then I'm your Witch. Over the river and through the woods, into the cave we go!